Thursday, January 29, 2009


Last Friday my cousin getting married at Concorde Hotel, we as close cousins took part as usher and gave some favour to make the ceremony going on plan.

All of us enjoy the event and glad every single relatives and guests can make to attend and have their own seat with their familiar faces around the tables.

What a hectic day relieve with the entertainment provided, even my lovely father sang a sing on that night which amazed everybody with his voice and got big applause!! plus my mother came to the front with a flower......hehehe

The ceremony end up with taking pictures among the relatives from both sides and we all congratulate the bride and bridegroom....Happy Newly Married!!

Tomorrow my closed fren will tie the knot with her lovely husband to be which stay just next to her village (if i not mistaken), hahaha what a small world. Congratulation and may Allah bless both of you.

Master, master, master.......I do really hope i could make it......May Allah make everything goes smooth in my life and all of us.....Aminnn

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lawatan sambil makan-makan

Semalam Shafiq datang and belanja kitorang makan pizza kt alamanda, pergh punyerla banyak makan sampai senak perut, betul2 punyer makan.

Sampai ada lebih lagi tapau bawak balik, terima kasihla Shafiq coz belanja ada rezeki leh belanja lagi huhuhuhu.

Dapat tawaran jad lecturer kt UMP, kitorang doakn semoga success and dapat sambung master, do your best (nnt klu ada keje kosong contact2 la ek...=))

Kepada kenkwan yg terbaca blog nie ada peluang pekerjaan di Kolej Masterskills kt Hulu Langat rasanyer, jadi pensyarah ngajar budak2 asasi subjeknyer Matematik, IT dan Kenegaraan. Sapa2 yg berminat leh le bg CV kt email nie (makl. nie riza kwn aku yg bgtau) leh la antar Cv dr skrng coz student dh nk masuk and perlukan tenaga pengajar dgn segera.

Hahahaha dh mcm agen pengiklananla plak aku nie, promote keje kosong, royalti xdpt nie...hehehe xpe yg penting kita tolong sapa2 yg memerlukan keje. Terlupe lak nk bgtau yg penginapan disediakn bg yg single (keje kt masterskills tu, ni yg kwn aku bgtau la)

Erm marilah kita sama2 berdoa kepada Allah supaya membantu saudara2 kita di Palestin semoga mereka semua selamat dan berjaya memperoleh kemenangan dan negara yg merdeka Aminnnn

Marila boikot barangan dari Israel dan sekutunya Amerika Syarikat dan memberi sumbangan yg semampu kita.....