Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Working Place...

Work while writing thesis??
PKC,SSF,A. niger, M. purpureus
Motivation, problems, confessions
Advantages, disadvantages on ourselves
The way of thinking and contribution to family
Encouragements, study laws eventhough feel sleepy
The ways of ones feel bad about something and compared with others
Motivators trying so hard to confort someone by giving opinions and examples
Making friends which could make people feel good on us
Interest, theory, practical, public relation (PR),
Friendships, relationships, self-esteem
Ideas in making papers for future seminar
Ages vs Achievements
Morale: Just be yourselves
p/s: Change for a better thing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

macam kenal je ayat2 di atas ni.. huhuhuhuhuhu