Friday, February 1, 2008

Think POSITIVE!!!!!

I have said it to one of my friend about this, think positive, why? because if we do think positive there is always a space for us to improve ourselves in many ways...that what i am thinking (for sure that from my point of view). From my experiences it will make us feel good, mature and know how to deal with something in the future which make us feel uncomfortable.

I do not know how other people dealing with their uncomfortable things or their problems, but as far as i concern i do believe they will feel good and relieve if the problems had been solved! They had faced the problems and gain experiences, then what think positive is all about? It is simple we will think rasionally, face the problems as an opportunity to enhance our capability in something related to us, then our life became more meaningful...You are what you think. You feel what you want

Morale: It is good to be yourselves but it is the best to be the better yourselves (CHANGE for a BETTER person)
P/s: Reminder for me and for all the readers....

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